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"Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready." -Rev 19:7 KJV ... "And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife." -Rev 21:9 KJV

05/19/16 ~ Jasper's Doggy Cookies Recipe

.:: Jasper's Doggy Cookies Recipe ::.

4 med    eggs (fresh farm raised if possible)
1 can     sweet potatoes (drained)
3 cups    all-purpose floor
3 cups    organic oats
1/2 cup  organic peanut butter
1/4 cup  organic honey
1/4 cup  diatomaceous earth (DE - FOOD GRADE)
3 tbsp    organic coconut oil (room temperature, liquefied)
2 tbsp    organic molasses
2 tbsp    parsley flakes
1 tsp      turmeric spice powder
1/2 cup  water (approximate, see Directions)**

- Pre-heat oven to 375F (approximately 190C).

{CAUTION: Cooking time may vary depending on your altitude, adjust baking temperature & time accordingly. We're at a higher elevation of about 3,600 feet.}
- Mix all ingredients together well, adding water as needed. The dough will be *sticky*, mostly because of the peanut butter. **Add more (or less) water depending on the consistency. The mixture should be -doughy- (like normal cookies) before you get ready to roll it out.
- Cover your board or rolling surface with flour, or better yet sprinkle DE on it (or even a combo of both).
- Place cookie mixture onto floured/DE'd cutting board in one big blob.
- Roll dough out (with a rolling pin) to about 1/2" thick.
- Cut into bite size squares (or use your favorite cookie cutters).
- Bake at 375F for about a 1/2 hour. Keep an eye on them, don't let them get too brown on the bottom or top. They should be *dry* not spongy but not overly hard either. {See Caution above also!}
- Take out of oven when done and let cool for a 1/2 hour or so.
- Put them in a cookie jar or in zip freezer baggies.
- Keep refrigerated for longest life, or make a few batches and freeze some. 

Makes between 30-40 medium-sized cookie squares (we don't use/have cookie cutters).

Where we buy diatomaceous earth (DE - FOOD GRADE):
(we are not affiliated, this is just where we buy our supply)
Diatomaceous Earth (DE) https://www.diatomaceousearth.com/
    *** BE SURE TO BUY 100% FOOD GRADE ***
    (buying directly from their website may be cheaper than buying from them on Amazon)

You can use DE (food grade), instead of or with flour, on the board you use to roll out the cookies.
You can use olive oil or any other oil but we try to stick with what is the healthiest.
You can substitute the sweet potatoes with squash or any other similarly healthy ingredient.

NOTE: You can use any or all ingredients, it's up to you ... experiment.

PHOTO, after baking
CAUTION: Some ingredients may not work well with your dog ... for instance, if your dog isn't use to sweet potatoes, squash, pumpkin, or oils of any kind then you may need to leave these out or try something else in their place that your dog is use to. Using ingredients your dog isn't use to may cause diarrhea or upset stomach. It's best to try things out individually to make sure all is well and if not don't use them in the cookies.

Disclaimer: Be aware of any allergies &/or medication reactions your dog may have to any mentioned ingredients. By all means feel free to leave out anything you aren't sure of! You are ultimately responsible for what you feed your pet. We are simply sharing what we give our dog and he loves these cookies. We are not giving advice nor advocating any specific product. Do your research before making these for your dog.

Jasper says, "Enjoy! Bon appetite!" ;oP

Jasper's parents say, "These treats are good enough for Us to eat!" ;o}