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"Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready." -Rev 19:7 KJV ... "And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife." -Rev 21:9 KJV

08/08/15 The 10 Commandments, especially the Sabbath day ...

I don't believe the Lord did away with the basic 10 commandments ... He did away with the 613 Mosaic laws but not the 10 commandments. We're still suppose to NOT kill, steal, covet, etc, all written on the hearts of believers.

The one commandment of the 10 most choose to believe has been abolished is the Sabbath for which we should "remember" it and "keep it holy". I don't believe that means to do this is a ritual or religious way but to keep it as we try to keep "thou shalt not kill" or "thou shalt not steal". It is the Lord's day, a day He thought enough of to take it for His day of rest after 6 days of creating. The Sabbath is a particular day of the week, and it's not Sunday. Further, it's from sundown to sundown (Fri eve to Sat eve). NO I am NOT SDA or any other offshoot of such. I just believe we are to keep ALL 10 of the commandments, NOT just nine of them. I believe, the others from Acts 15 (not to fornicate, don't eat things offered to idols, etc) were an *in addition to* not a replacement of the 10.

If you can justify not obeying the Sabbath (as being the 7th day of the week) then you have to likewise justify murder, stealing, etc. You CANNOT separate out that one and say you *try* to keep them all. Again, I do NOT advocate ritualistic or religious keeping of the Sabbath, if you can't do it from your heart to honor the Lord then don't do it at all, but then ... that goes for the other nine as well doesn't it. Jesus summed up the first four commandments as loving God, and the last six as loving your neighbor as yourself. He never did away with any of those 10 commandments, they are the basis for our living. The 7th-day Sabbath commandment is significant and points us to the upcoming millennial reign of Christ where there will be rest and peace on earth.

Jesus never did away with the Sabbath, He kept it & honored it from His heart because it was on THAT DAY that HE rested from creating.

I hope this has blessed you, thanks for reading!