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Some time later, Israel was betrothed to God {John 1:1-5} at Mt Sinai when she declared "all that the Lord has said we will do" (aka: I do) {Exodus 19-24}, but then ... she went a whoring and left her first Love, choosing other gods and nations' ways instead of Him {Judges 2-8}. Even so, when He, Jesus, the faithful Bridegroom, came to bid them to the marriage at His first coming, she (now called Judah) rejected Him and chose her lovers making excuses as to why they could not come to the wedding {Matthew 21-22, Mark 12, Luke 14, Luke 20}. As a result, He released her from her betrothal (put her away), though she was as a wife to Him already {Ezekiel 16, Jeremiah 31:31-32}. The death of the Testator, Jesus {Hebrews 9}, with Whom she (Israel/Judah) had agreed to marry, released -them- from -their- old testament covenant (marriage contract), and by which He began the new testament covenant (marriage contract); covenants ARE contracts! And when He died on the cross {Galatians 3:13}, then the putting away of Judah (as then betrothed) was complete, though He did not divorce her {Deuteronomy 24, Isaiah 50, Jeremiah 3}, she was released from -her- betrothal vows that -she- agreed to at Mt Sinai ---> 'til death us do part.
Since then, the Father is choosing a faithful bride from among the nations, for His Son, consisting of both the Jews (Israel/Judah) & also the Gentiles, think the book of Esther {Ephesians 5:30-32}. As with the first Adam, a bride (called the church) is being produced from the side of the second Adam, Jesus, Who was pierced for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon Him {Isa 53:5}. All those who believe in the Lord Jesus, asking Him into their hearts & lives, are, in essence, betrothing themselves to Him via the New Testament Covenant (marriage contract) that is still being written in us today. And, when He *appears* for us the second time unto salvation {Hebrews 9:28}, at the upcoming resurrection/rapture {1 Thessalonians 4:13-18}, then the body/bride/church of Christ will be merged back into His body, the T/two shall become O/one again, as it should have been before mankind sinned and was separated from Him. W/we will be of One mind (S/soul), One heart (S/spirit), One body (B/body) ---> we will see Him, and know Him, as He is, for we shall be like Him {1 John 3:2}.
Now, if you, as a believer on the Lord Jesus Christ {Yeshua Ha Mashiach}, are saying that you are merely the body of Christ and NOT His bride, then you are not understanding the basic premise of what it means to be married to someone, because, in light of what is understood above, it is an impossibility to be only the body and not the bride. Why? Because ---> the T/two shall become O/one.
Yes folks, the body of Christ is also His bride {Ephesians 5:30-32}. This union of the T/two is what awaits those that are eagerly watching for their Bridegroom. I am among them ... my lamp is full of oil, my wick is trimmed and lit ...AND... I have an extra cruse (vessel) of oil to go the distance while I await my blessed hope, at-one-ment (atonement) with my Creator {Matthew 25:1-13}! If you claim Jesus as your Lord & Savior, you should be just as prepared, as wise virgins ... not waiting to hear "come up hither" but for the same trumpeting sound heard at Mt Sinai and the call of the friend of the Bridegroom ... as the scripture says ---> "Behold the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet Him!" {Matthew 25:6}
Don't be among the foolish virgins who, at His first coming to be both Groom & King, rejected Him though they had betrothed themselves to Him. Don't let the devil cheapen all that the Lord has in store for you: His body, His betrothed, His bride {1 Corinthians 2:9, James 2:5}. Why did Jesus COME the first time? To take His betrothed to Himself. Why will He *appear* a second time unto salvation? ---> To take His betrothed to Himself.
And at the end of the seven years of tribulation on earth, He will COME the second time to rule and reign for 1,000 years; He will come -with- His church/bride to take His rightful place as King over all the earth {Revelation 20:4}. At this time, the Lord will once again re-establish His covenant with Judah ... since He had put her away but not divorced her ... it is at this time that He will consummate their marriage ---> and she will flourish into the mightiest of kingdoms {Micah 4, Luke 19, Romans 8 - 11}.
Remember: Just as the moon has no light of its own but simply reflects the light of the sun, so the bride gets her light from the Groom.
"For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church." {Ephesians 5:30-32 KJV}
Keep looking up, for our redemption draws nigh (near)!
!Maranatha Ishi {Husband}!
NOTE: Some of the embedded scriptures you will need to click More >> to read the full scripture in context otherwise what is quoted may not make sense. Thanks for reading ;o}