Welcome to The Lamb's Wife blog!

"Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready." -Rev 19:7 KJV ... "And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife." -Rev 21:9 KJV

New YouTube account ...

I've created a new YouTube account (Revelation21NINE) for which I will post videos, etc. So, for the most part I may not post them here as that's twice the work. Check out my new YouTube channel & playlists (I'm trying to organize videos). I'll still post here but maybe in a diary format when the urge strikes me, or when a video isn't YT or perhaps if I want to reiterate a video from YT ... bookmark ;o}

Revelation21NINE Playlists


You can also check out my online diary pages, which are basically *archived* now, no longer updated as I now use this blog ... link is Deb's Diary to the left.

The Name by Pasot Jack Hibbs

Pastor Jack from Calvary Chapel Chino Hills sermon on The Name comparing God in the OT to Jesus in the NT ... fascinating!

12/09/11 Genesis as recorded in Chinese ...

Below is a pix showing a MahJong table with it's classic Chinese tiles, when I first started to play this particular game (at my land in SecondLife.com) I began to see the flood in those tiles, the pix shows my findings. But then, someone posted on a Forum that there was a book in PDF format about the same thing! I'm reading it now, here's that link for you ...

Check out the attached pix, I circled three tiles, each representing a part of the flood story: the ark during construction, the ark afloat during the flooding, and the ark rested on a mountain. Our God IS God! ;D


I love Kent Hovind, he's a real trooper for the Lord! Here's the link to his blog ... it took me like a year to find him once his site was changed so I'm going to link to him on the left! Kent you are in my prayers ... be released and free in Yeshua's name!

11/09/11 TLW expired?

I have decided to let my website domain(s), thelambswife.org {as well as .com & .net}, expire. This will be the site I use when I have an itchin to say something profound LOL That doesn't happen very often these days (it seems like too much work) but I will be here now and then so I hope you enjoy the posts, videos, and other links! I have opened comments up to all that come by ... if that privilege starts to get abused I will close it to blog members only once again. All comments are moderated and have to be cleared by me before showing on the blog ... hey, it's MY blog afterall!

God bless and thanks for stopping by ;o}

11/09/11 Updated the look of my blog ;o}

I've been playing with the design features, I like it ;o}