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"Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready." -Rev 19:7 KJV ... "And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife." -Rev 21:9 KJV

09/27/15 ~ Blood Moon TETRADs & Israel ...

I have really been *too lazy* to give you these figures until now, my bad. Here's what I found out about the *Blood Moon* TETRADs (that supposedly affect Israel) dates:

>>>1492    The Spanish Inquisition — 1492 (Spain kicked all the Jews out)
Jul 30, 1492 - one day, 9th of AV {Tisha b'Av}
*** TETRAD HAPPENS *AFTER* ... 1493-1494
1493 Apr 02
1493 Sep 25
1494 Mar 22
1494 Sep 15

>>>1948    The War of Independence — 1948 (Israel became a nation)
May 15, 1948 - January 1949
*** TETRAD HAPPENS *AFTER* ... 1949-1950
1949 Apr 13    Passover    Partially visible
1949 Oct 07    Tabernacles    Partially visible
1950 Apr 02    Passover    Visible
1950 Sep 26    Tabernacles    Partially visible

>>>1967    The Six-Day War — 1967 (Israel recaptured Jerusalem)
Jun 5 - 10, 1967
*** TETRAD HAPPENS *just AFTER Apr 24th blood moon lunar eclipse* that was NOT visible in Israel ... 1967-1968
1967 Apr 24     Passover    >>> Not visible <<<       
1967 Oct 18    Tabernacles    Not visible
1968 Apr 13    Passover    Partially visible
1968 Oct 06    Tabernacles    Not visible

>>>2015    Nothing significant happened in Israel.
*** TETRAD HAPPENS *BEFORE*??? ... 2014-2015
2014 Apr 15    Passover    Not visible
2014 Oct 08    Tabernacles    Not visible
2015 Apr 04    Passover    Not visible
2015 Sep 28    Tabernacles    Partially visible
    ^^^ This is also a *supermoon*

Visibility noted above is from Israel, I didn't bother to find the 1493-4 years.

If God were using these TETRADs/Blood Moons as a warning to any nation, let alone Israel, surely they would have been visible to that/those nation(s); and surely they would have happened BEFORE the events, not after??? Because said occurrences (that are said to relate to these TETRADs) happen -BEFORE- said TETRADs I feel there is no special significance. The order of most of these are: 1) event happens, then 2) TETRAD *AFTER*.

If the TETRADs happened -BEFORE- said events or during said events then I'd think there was something special going on ... BUT, only if the full lunar eclipse/blood moon was seen in the nation affected! Also, many of these blood moons, which are actually full lunar eclipses, did not show themselves to Israel at all so to relate the *AFTER* TETRADs to Israel when they didn't even see most of the blood moon/full lunar eclipses is not reasonable IMHO.

As for the 2014-2015, for which the final of the 4 Blood Moons occurs tonight, nothing happened beforehand and nothing happened during. If they are a harbinger for Israel, who will see this one in partiality, that is yet to be determined. No event happened -BEFORE- this TETRAD, we'll see if anything happens *AFTER*. The 2014-2015 TETRAD is the ONLY one that may qualify as a future warning since nothing significant happened before then we look to see what it's warning of after.

All the same, tis a kewl occurrence ;o}

Here's NASA's link to five millennium of Lunar Eclipses, including TETRADs.