Welcome to The Lamb's Wife blog!

"Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready." -Rev 19:7 KJV ... "And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife." -Rev 21:9 KJV

04/10/16 ~ *The MATH* 3982 BC/AM to 2018 AD

Here's my *math* (or rather, a summary of my math) from the year of creation (3982-3983 AM/BC) to our time (2017-2018 AD); along with added columns for James Ussher and Seder Olam Rabah (figure sources came from here - http://cgca.net/serf-publishing/Jewish-chronology-falsified0001.pdf - I use them for comparison only). I may need to tweak my figures as I learn more but this is where I'm at so far.

My figures are my own up until Joshua's death and come directly from years recorded in the KJV Bible. All other figures are noted here or in my more extensive spreadsheet's comments (not shown here as they'd take up far too much room). I may have worked other figures in before Joshua's death if they came out to work with my math but generally those are different colors or have comments to that effect. I have a much more complete and extensive spreadsheet, so again, this is just a quick summary.

I'm putting this here for an FYI, I'm not interested in debating years or dates. I think the bible records things exactly as they should be so where it says, for example, 480 years ... it means 480 years; or where it says Abraham was so-n-so age at such-n-such event ... whether those years are solar, lunar, prophetic (360 days/year) or any other way matters not to me. Nor does it matter to me whether you think the bible's record is incorrect in some places (such as Abraham's age when Terah moved &/or died). I take the bible as complete truth and if there is any misunderstanding it's human error or misunderstanding so I'm not about to debate you on it. I think those people that wrote the years down as a record knew exactly what they were talking about so I take them (and thus the bible) at their (its) word.

For the record, my year of 3982-3983 AM/BC (AM=Anno Mundi - year of creation; BC=Before Christ) agrees with two other folks. I've come to my conclusions independently from these two men and only after I'd come to my AM/BC year did I look to see if anyone else came to the same year and if so why. These two men are:
* Dionysius Petavius https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genesis_flood_narrative
* John Ogwyn http://www.cogwriter.com/six_thousand_year_plan_6000.htm

One more note before I end. I'm not sure if 2017-2018 AD is the year that the Lord will return for His church or not, or if it's the start of Jacob's trouble after the church is removed to be with the Lord. As I said, I could be off +/- a year or two, which means ... He could come back as soon as this year. I believe whatever year He does return for His church (the ready of the 10 virgins) will be a near/future Shavuot (Pentecost), here's my article about how I've come to I believe that ...http://thelambswife.blogspot.com/2016/01/011116-will-jesus-come-for-his-bride.html

Be ready, be watching! Read the parable of the 10 virgins and be sure you have *oil in your lamp*. Remember Lot's wife ...

Event Description: (see Masoretic & Geneology 4004 for more details) FROM CREATION (AM) Fathers @ begetting age MINE (BC/AD) USSHER (BC/AD)
Jewish SederOlam Rabbah
Adam (& Eve) created: According to the Gen creation narrative heaven and the earth were created, including Adam and Eve. 0 0 3982 4004
Seth born, son of Adam with Eve 130 130 3852 ---
Enosh born, son of Seth 235 105 3747 ---
Kenan born, son of Enosh 325 90 3657 ---
Mahalalel born, son of Kenan 395 70 3587 ---
Jared born, son of Mahalalel 460 65 3522 ---
Enoch born, son of Jared 622 162 3360 ---
Methuselah born, son of Enoch 687 65 3295 ---
Lamech born, son of Methusaleh 874 187 3108 ---
Adam died at 930 930 --- 3052 ---
Enoch "walks with God" at 365 is translated (doesn't die but is taken up to God) 987 --- 2995 ---
Seth died at 912 1042 --- 2940 ---
Noah born, son of Lamech 1056 182 2926 ---
Enosh died at 905 1140 --- 2842 ---
Kenan died at 910 1235 --- 2747 ---
Mahalalel died at 895 1290 --- 2692 ---
Jared died at 962 1422 --- 2560 ---
Noah begets Shem, Ham and Japheth. Noah is 500, nearly 501 {see also Gen 7:6} 1556 500 2426 ---
Lamech died at 777 1651 --- 2331 ---
Methuselah died at 969 (some sources say 7 days before the flood), Noah is 600, flood occurs 1656 --- 2326 ---
FLOOD: 1656 years between the creation of Adam and the flood year. Noah is 600 (1056+600=1656); Shem is about 100 (possibly 98). On the seventeenth (Septuagint: 27th) day of the second month, the fountains of the great deep were broken up and the windows of heaven were opened. On the seventeenth day of the seventh month, Noah's Ark rested in "mountains of Ararat" 1656 --- 2326 ---
On the twenty-seventh day of the second month, Noah and his family left the ark 1657 --- 2325 ---
Arphaxad born, son of Shem; Shem is 100 years old, nearly 101. 1658 100 2324 ---
Shelah born, son of Arphaxad 1693 35 2289 ---
Eber born, son of Shelah 1723 30 2259 ---
Peleg born, son of Eber 1757 34 2225 ---
Reu born, son of Peleg 1787 30 2195 ---
Serug born, son of Reu 1819 32 2163 ---
Nahor born, son of Serug 1849 30 2133 ---
Terah born, son of Nahor 1878 29 2104 ---
Abram/Abraham born, son of Terah. 292 years between the flood year of 1656 AM and the birth of Abraham in 1948 AM (1948 Abraham born – 1656 flood = 292 years between). Abraham was born in Ur of the Chaldees when Terah was 70 in 1948 1948 70 2034 1996
1948 years between creation of Adam to birth of Abraham; 292 years between the flood year of 1656 and the birth of Abraham in 1948 (1948-1656=292) … 1656+292=1948 1948 --- 2034 ---
Sarai/Sarah born, wife of Abram/Abraham 1958 --- 2024 ---
Peleg died at 239, sometime during Peleg's life the nations were scattered at the fall of the tower of Babel. According to Ken Johnson the tower of Babel fell in 1993 AM. 1996 --- 1986 ---
Nahor died at 148 {see also Gen 10:32} 1997 --- 1985 ---
Noah died 950, which was 350 years after the flood (2006-1056=950 OR 1656+350=2006). Abraham is 58 (2006-1948=58) when Noah dies. 2006 --- 1976 ---
Terah at 145 (2023-145=1878, 2083-2023=60, 205-60=145) takes Abraham (& clan) to Haran; Abraham is 75 when he departs Haran for Canaan (apparently in the same year he arrived with his father in that he moved on to Canaan and Terah stayed in Haran, 2453-430=2023). The LORD appears to Abraham with the promise that his -seed- will inherit all the land of Canaan. 2023 --- 1959 ---
Reu died at 239 2026 --- 1956 ---
Ishmael born, son of Abram with Sarai's handmaiden Hagar 2034
1948 ---
Covenant of Circumcision. Abram and Sarai renamed Abraham and Sarah by the LORD. Abraham at 99 was circumcised, Ishmael at 13 was circumcised. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, which was 391 years after the flood of Noah. 2047 (days of Lot)-1656(days of Noah) 2047 --- 1935 ---
Isaac born, son of Abraham with Sarah; Abraham is 100 when Isaac is born (1948+100=2048) 2048 100 1934 ---
Serug died at 230 2049 --- 1933 ---
Terah died at 205 (1878+205=2083; from 145 to 205 equals 60 years in Haran) in 2083, Abraham would have been 135 (2083-1948=135) when Terah died. Years between the flood & Terah's death in 2083-1656=427 years. 2083 --- 1899 ---
Sarah (Sarai) died at 127 (38 years before Abraham @ 175 died; Abraham died in 2123 – 2085 Sarah died = 38 years difference in their deaths)/ Abraham was 137 when Sarah died (as he was 10 years older than she) so 175-10=165-38=127 confirming Sarah's age at death and the year of her death. 2085 --- 1897 ---
Arphaxad died at 438 2096 --- 1886 ---
Jacob (and Esau, twins) born, sons of Isaac with Rebekah; Abraham is 160 when Jacob/Israel is born (2108 - 1948 = 160); Isaac is 60 when Jacob/Israel is born (2108 - 2048 = 60) 2108 60 1874 ---
Abraham (Abram) died at 175 (1948+175=2123); Isaac is 75 when Abraham dies (2123-2048=75); Jacob is 15 when Abraham dies (2123-2108=15) 2123 --- 1859 ---
Shelah died at 433 2126 --- 1856 ---
Shem died at 600, may have been 100 two years after the flood in which case this would be 2156 2158 --- 1824 ---
Ishmael died at 137 2171 --- 1811 ---
Eber died at 464 2187 --- 1795 ---
Levi inserted here, according to the Testament of Levi, see comment. 2191 88 1791 ---
Ages of all the fathers when they begat significant sons, up to and including Isaac's begetting Jacob {2048 AM}, which is 248 years after Abraham was born (2196-1948=248 years). 2196 --- 1786 ---
Joseph born, son of Jacob with Rachel (2309-110=2199 born) 2199 --- 1783 ---
Joseph at 17 was sold by his brothers into slavery into Egypt 2216 --- 1766 ---
Kohath born to Levi between 2225-2226 AM (see 2191 AM comment); died @ 133 yrs old 2225 35 1757 ---
Joseph at 28-ish interpreted the dreams of the butler and the baker while in prison 2227 --- 1755 ---
Isaac died at 180 (2048+180=2228); Jacob is 120 when Isaac dies (2228-2108=120) 2228 --- 1754 ---
Joseph at 30 was elevated to Pharaoh's second 2229 --- 1753 ---
Jacob at 130 moved to Egypt with 70-75 souls ({see comment on numbers of souls}, 2108+147=2255); After 7 years of plenty and 2 years of famine, when Joseph was 39 {see also 45:11, 41:46, Acts 7:14} 2238 --- 1744 ---
Joseph is 44 at the end of the plenty (7 years) and famine (7) years (2199+44=2243) 2243 --- 1739 ---
Amram (& Jocebed) born; married in 2285-2286 AM (see 2191 AM comment) 2254 --- 1728 ---
Jacob died at 147 (2108+147=2255 AM), he lived in Egypt for 17 years 2255 --- 1727 ---
307 years between Abraham's birth and Jacob's death (2255-1948=307) … 1948+307=2255 … 1656+292+307=2255 2255 --- 1727 ---
Joseph died at 110, he lived in Egypt from age 17, for 93 years (110-17=93); 2309-93=2216 entered Egypt, I get Joseph's birth year from here (2309-110=2199) and then all the other Joseph years by the ages mentioned and from his death year of 2309 minus those ages shown. 2309 --- 1673 ---
According to Josephus, Israel's actual bondage was only 215 years of the total 430 in Egypt, occurring sometime after Joseph died and a new Pharaoh took the throne. (2668-215=2453) 2453 --- 1529 ---
Aaron born (based on his death year, which was the year Israel entered Canaan w/Joshua in 2668), he is 3 years older than Moses so this works out right. 2585 --- 1397 ---
Moses born, son of Amram with Jochebed {see also Exodus 12:40,41, Exodus 2:23, Exodus 2:11-15, Acts 7:23-30} 2588 --- 1394 ---
Joshua born; Moses is 40 when he flees Egpyt, then he goes to Midian for 40 years. 2628 --- 1354 ---
Exodus: Moses is 80, Aaron is 83, Joshua is 40 2668 --- 1314 ---
EXODUS BEGINS: The Israelites left in a mass exodus from Egypt with Moses at 80, Joshua at 40; 215 years of actual bondage from Jacob entering Egypt in 2238+215=2453 but the total years in Egypt were 430 … 2238+430=2668 ... 2668+40=2708 when Exodus ends. 2668 --- 1314 1491
Aaron dies at 123 2708 --- 1274 ---
Moses dies at 120 (2668 + 40 more years after Exodus = 2708, Joshua is 80) 2708 --- 1274 ---
EXODUS ENDS: The Israelites entered Canaan with Joshua at 80, after wandering in the wilderness for 40 years, same year Aaron & Moses died; 2708-40=2668 when Exodus began. See comments for A72 regarding 7 year land sabbaths and 49 year jubilees! 2708
1274 ---
First land sabbath, the 7th year from entering Canaan. 2715
1267 ---
Joshua dies at 110, 30 years after leading Israel into Canaan (2738-110=2628 born) 2738 --- 1244 ---
I am SURE I have my figures right up to here! 2738 --- 1244 ---
1244 - 834 = 410 years; 3148 - 2738 = 410 years from 30 years into Canaan & Joshua's death to 4th year of Solomon's reign (laying of Solomon's temple foundation). During this time are the judges; king Saul; king David into his 36th year of reign overlapping with king Solomon an additional 4 years. --- --- --- ---
7th land sabbath, the 49th year from entering Canaan. 2757 --- 1225 ---
FIRST JUBILEE, the 50th year from entering Canaan. 2758 --- 1224 ---
ABRAHAM IS THE 20th GENERATION FROM ADAM {1948 – 2123 AM = 175 years} --- --- --- ---
14 gens {70s?} from Abraham {b. 1948 AM} to David {b. 3078 AM} 1948 AM to 3078 AM = 1130 years? --- --- --- ---
14 gens {70s?} from Abraham {d. 2123 AM} to David {b. 3078 AM} 2123 AM to 3078 AM = 955 years? 955 / 70 {gen} = 13.642857 gens --- --- --- ---
-> Generations lives steadily decreased in longevity from Abraham dying @ 175 to David dying @ 70. --- --- --- ---
Also, lifespans overlap up to 40 years or so. --- --- --- ---
DAVID IS THE 33rd GENERATION FROM ADAM {3078 – 3148 AM = 70 years} --- --- --- ---
Saul becomes king, based on David's becoming king (874 AD) year plus 40 years Saul reigned. According to 1Sa 10:19, Israel “rejected God” by demanding a king like other nations had. Saul reigned for 40 years before David succeeded him. 3038 --- 944 ---
David born? 3148-70=3078 (834+70=904) 3078 --- 904 ---
David becomes king of all Israel & Judah; reigned 40 years total. 3108 --- 874 ---
David likely died in Solomon's fourth year reign, at the age of 70 years old? 3148 --- 834 ---

--- --- --- ---
480th year from the EXODUS 2668 + 480 = 3148: 4th year of Solomon's reign, 1st temple foundation laid (took another 7 years to build) = approx 834 BC … this figure includes king Saul, & king David (who probably overlapped by at least 4 years with Solomon and would also have included most of the years of the life of Samuel the prophet, maybe 30 years of Samuel's later life?). 3148 --- 834 1012
11th year of Solomon's reign, temple complete, 7 years in building 3155 --- 827 ---
Solomon 40th year of reign (includes another 29 years after the temple is completed, for a total of 40 years). I assume this to be the same this to be the same year as his death since his son's reign begins after he dies. 3184 --- 798 ---
450 years of Judges until Samuel the prophet 2738 (Joshua dies) + 450 years = 3188 … I'm not sure how this works out, if at all, since Samuel anointed David many years before this. I may have this in the wrong spot. The “until” means the beginning of Samuel's judging and sometime withing that era he anointed Saul king first and then David king after. It's possible he was alive during Solomon's life but he didn't anoint Solomon as king. This needs further study. It's possible that the timespan of 450 years is from 3038 (Saul's anointing as king) back to 2588 (which happens to be the year of Moses' birth). So from Moses' birth to the first king (Saul) was 450 years. That would make this 3188/794 incorrect, so just ignore it ;o} 3188 --- 794 ---
Some sources say Jonah warned Nineveh (Assyria) of destruction in 40 days in this year. Although Jonah warned of impending destruction in 40 days, Nineveh repented and God's hand was stayed. However, they had fallen back into their idolatrous ways within 140 years. Jonah's warning also had significance for Israel in that Jesus was on the earth for 40 days after his resurrection and that was a type of 40 years warning to Israel {not Judah} who did not heed and 40 years later was destroyed by Rome (30 AD + 40 years = 70 AD). 3220 --- 762 ---
Jewish Virtual Library apparently has the destruction of Israel (not Judah) by the Assyrians here, 40 years after they had initially been warned and repented (at that time). This would be somewhat parallel to Jesus' warning {Mat 12:39-41} in which Israel/Judah were dispersed 40 years after His death/resurrection {30 AD + 40 years = 70 AD}. 3260 --- 722 ---
Some sources say Assyria was destroyed by Babylon in this year, 100 years after destroying Israel (not Judah) and 140 years after Jonah's initial warning. 3360 --- 622 ---
Jewish tradition has this as the 4th year of Nebuchadnezzar's reign {JewishEncylopedia.com}. Jeremiah's 70 weeks prophecy would have been seen in this year if it's correct. 3374 --- 608 ---
Jewish tradition has this year for destruction of 1st temple {164 years before what I show below}. Three deportations to Babylon according to Jewish tradition {597, 586, and 582 BC} of which the Jerusalem exiles were deported from 587-586 BC. 3395 --- 587 ---
578 BC is the potential year when Daniel had the vision of the abomination that maketh desolate {which I believe to have been the DotR's initial wooden structure}, from here add on 1260 years and that would bring you to 682 AD {-578 BC + 1260 years = 682 AD}, from 682 AD add 1335 years (1290+45) = 2017 AD, as noted on my TLW Blog http://thelambswife.blogspot.com/2016/02/022416-mene-mene-tekel-upharsin.html 3404 --- 578 ---
IF my figures are correct regarding 553 BC (? 1st year of Darius the Mede, or is it Cyrus the great? Or were they contemporaries … see 553 comments!), from here add on 2520 years and that would bring you to 1967 AD {when Jerusalem was won back to Israel in the Six-Day War after being out of her control since 67-70 AD} and then from 1967 AD add one jubilee of 50 years, equals 2017 AD, as noted on my TLW Blog http://thelambswife.blogspot.com/2016/02/022416-mene-mene-tekel-upharsin.html 3429 --- 553 ---
If 608 AD above is correct for Jeremiah's prophecy, then 70 years later would bring it to 538 AD 3444 --- 538 ---
Jewish tradition has this as the 1st year of Darius (I), king of Persia {JewishEncyclopedia.com}. I am using my AM years, which happen to work out right with their 521 BC date. 3461 --- 521 ---
490 years between now and the time of Jesus' death in 33 AD (457+33=490), this is Jeremiah's seventy weeks prophecy that Daniel came to understand. But, this is one fulfillment, it will come again at the end of the age … see Daniel 9 and the Comment for this cell. 3525 --- 457 ---
Divided kingdom: Judah (southern) & Israel (northern), approx 375 years difference according to sources. Kingdom of Judah falls to Babylon. 3559 --- 423 ---
1st temple destroyed in 423 BC on the 9th of Av, it had been completed and then 404 years later destroyed by the Babylonians. {827 BC completed - 404 years = 423 BC} 3559 --- 423 ---

--- --- --- ---
14 gens {70s?} from David {b. 3078 AM} to Bab capt. {3559 AM} 3078 AM to 3559 AM = 481 years? --- --- --- ---
-> Generations lives steadily decreased in longevity from Abraham dying @ 175 to David dying @ 70. --- --- --- ---
Also, lifespans overlap up to 40 years or so. --- --- --- ---

--- --- --- ---
2nd temple began 53 years later, begin building by Jeremiah & Ezra, and later finished by Herod, took 46 years to build but not all years are accounted for here. 3612 --- 370 515
It took 21 years to complete according to AskMoses site. 3633 --- 349 ---
The sources for the history of ancient Israel and Judah can be broadly divided into the biblical narrative (the Hebrew Bible, ... In 63 BCE the Roman general Pompey conquered Jerusalem and made the Jewish kingdom a Client state of Rome. 3919 --- 63 ---

--- --- --- ---
14 gens {70s?} from Bab capt. {3559 AM} to Jesus {b. 3982 AM} 3559 AM to 3982 AM = 423 years? --- --- --- ---
Add 70 years for a generation from Jesus' birth {423 years + 70 = 493 years} to destruction of 2nd temple --- --- --- ---
-> Generations lives steadily decreased in longevity from Abraham dying @ 175 to David dying @ 70. --- --- --- ---
Also, lifespans overlap up to 40 years or so. --- --- --- ---

--- --- --- ---
14 gens x 3 = 42 {-2 overlapping?} = 40-42 gens from Abraham to Jesus --- --- --- ---
955 + 481 + 423 = 1859 years {40-42 gens} --- --- --- ---
1859 + 70 {Jesus' generation} = 1929 years {? from Abraham's birth to 70 AD} --- --- --- ---
3982 AM (Jesus' birth) – 1948 AM (Abraham's birth) = 2034 years … OR … 3982 AM – 2123 AM (Abraham death) = 1859 years {40-42 gens} --- --- --- ---
JESUS IS THE 60th GENERATION FROM ADAM {3982 – 4015 = 33 years} --- --- --- ---

--- --- AD Begins … ---
Jesus born, approximately 350 years later. There's approximately 835 years from the 4th year of Solomon to the birth year of Jesus {3983-3148=835) and 868 years from 4th year of Solomon to the death & resurrection of Jesus (4016-3148=868). Based on the 49s tab, 3982 is also a Jubilee! 3982-3983 --- 0-1 ---
King Jesus died & resurrected; Josephus records 27 AD as a Jubilee {50th} year. 4015 --- -33 ---
2nd temple destroyed in 70 AD on the 9th of Av. It stood for 419 years and was destroyed in 70 AD by the Romans. {4052 AM 2nd temple destroyed in 70 AD – 3982 AM Jesus' birth year = 70 years (one gen)} 4052 --- -70 70
Wood structure placed where DotR would end up by 691 AD, the abomination that maketh desolate. {682 – 1260 years = 578 BC Daniel's vision?} 4664 --- -682 ---
Ottoman Turks take Israel/Jerusalem {hold it for 400 years} 5499 --- -1517 ---
1st Zionist Congress meets. 5879 --- -1897 ---
Ottoman Turks {ruled from 1517-1917} loose control of Israel & Jerusalem 5899 --- -1917 ---
Balfour Declaration {Palestine partitioned} 5929 --- -1947 ---
Israel became a nation in one day on May 14th, Scotty was born on July 5th ;o} 5930 --- -1948 ---
I was born on November 3rd ;o} 5939 --- -1957 ---
Israel gains control of Jerusalem in the six day war, was this a jubilee year? 5949 --- -1967 ---
1967-1968 = 119th Jubilee (3982+1968=5950 years / 50 = 119 jubilees) --- --- --- ---
This year is 2014 AD, which is 2014 years from Jesus' birth; 1980 years from Jesus' death/resurrection to 2014 5996 --- -2014 ---
It's been 1982 years since Jesus died & resurrected, and ascended 10 days before Shavuot {Pentecost=50=counting of the Omer}! 4015 – 5997 = 1982 years. 5997 --- -2015 ---
If 1967-1968 was a jubilee year, then this could be the beginning of the next jubilee when Jesus returns! Jonathan Cahn thinks Jubilee is from Tishri 1, 2015-2016 5998 --- -2016 ---
682 AD + 1290 years = 1972; 682 AD + 1335 years = 2017 5999 --- -2017 ---
Jesus' return? If He comes at the END of the 6,000th year; BUT, IF at the end of the 5999th year it would be 2017; BUT, IF cutting the time short it could be 2016!? 6000 --- -2018 ---

1967+50=2017 / 50 = 40.34 jubilees

1968+50=2018 / 50 = 40.35 jubilees

3761 AM Jewish year for creation is exactly 220-221 years different than my 3982 AM!

AM 3982-4004 (James Ussher)=22 years difference ... and/or...

AM 3982-3761 (Current Jewish Calendar)=221 years difference

~~~ 3982+2018=6000 years

~~~ 3983+2017=6000 years