I was sure that Shavuot/Pentecost was the day of the potential resurrection of the church/bride, and it's still very possible for a future year. However, I've found there is yet another mysterious day of the Jewish/Hebrew calendar called Tu B'av (or Tu B'ab) that is extremely significant regarding a potential *wedding*. I have dated this for 2016 in the title but it can apply to any future Tu B'Av as well (up until we are taken out of this world). Here's what I found out so far ...
August 18, 2016 (at sunset in Jerusalem)
Tu B’Ab = Tu B'av {b & v are interchangeable}
Tu B’Ab occurs on a full moon
Tu B’Ab is one of the more obscure and yet deeply profound holidays in the Jewish calendar. To emphasize this, our Sages point out that virtually every major holiday will pale away after the Mashiach arrives and Tu B’Ab will come to the forefront.
This festive day comes six days after Tisha B’Ab, the 9th of Ab
The theme of Tu B’Ab is love and the unity that love brings.
Tu B’Ab is the day of love between man and wife.
Tu B’Ab is the seventh day from the 9th of Ab
Tu B’Ab marks reunifications with the sons of Rachel who had become estranged from the community.
Tu B’Ab may be a minor festival, yet it has been blessed with several scintillating names that belie its relative insignificance. These names give us a clue as to the positive thrust of the day:
The Holiday of the Grape Harvest - This is the day when the grape harvest begins in Israel.
The Holiday of Unity - see that section.
Unity after rivalry - Tu B’Ab marks reunifications with the sons of Rachel who had become estranged from the community.
Day of courtship - They {virgins} danced and were courted because this was a day of purity; purity from sin and purity for marriage.
The Festival of the Lord - a day on which all was done solely for the sake of Heaven.
The “Day of the Breaking of the Hatchets” - see that section.
In earlier times Tu B’Ab was a festival dedicated to young Jewish men and women finding their mates.
Tu B’Ab marks the change from summer to the hot season:
... the second half of Ab, Elul and the first half of Tishri are the hot season.
Midrash Rabbah - Lamentations Prologue XXXIII
- ... and the birth of Mashiach which was to occur on Tisha B’Ab {9th of Av}
- It was the day on which the tribes were permitted to intermarry
- It was the day when the tribe of Benjamin was allowed to re-enter the Community
XV. Comfort - Yeremyahu (Jeremiah) 31:13 Then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance, both young men and old together: for I will turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them, and make them rejoice from their sorrow.
Source: http://www.betemunah.org/tubav.html
{This site also quotes the NT and is worth your time.}
Thanks for reading!
{Curly bracket comments are mine. Quote texts from the article linked to are in this color.}