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"Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready." -Rev 19:7 KJV ... "And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife." -Rev 21:9 KJV

07/18/17 ~ My *rapture* dream ...

In my dream, my hubby & I were at some sort of campground or resort that had cabins, RVs, tents and people occupying them. I think we were in an RV (motorhome). Some of the people in the campground were doped/drunk, some were fighting between themselves (male & female arguments, hitting each other, etc). It was nighttime, dark, no stars, and no moon, that I remember. I'm praying they'd all stop fighting and settle down for the night when ...

-ALL OF A SUDDEN- there was a *bright FLASH of light* ... lightening fast ... with the sound of a quick peel of thunder. I notice that I'm on the top of our RV and looking around at the dark, black sky for what caused the flash thinking perhaps it was a meteorite or maybe fireworks.

I find a spot in the sky looking to the east (I think) where I see a bright ball of light, sort of the size of the moon but growing in size as streaks or bolts of electricity are gathered into it. I'm on top of the RV and realize, THE RAPTURE IS HAPPENING! I'm jumping up and down yelling "Abba!" with my arms raised high in the air. I'm jumping up in excitement and joy, trying to *lift off* to join my fellow believers, and after a few tries I'm in the air flying towards this beacon of light. As I'm moving up I notice that I'm glowing, I can't see myself but I see the glow around me. To my left is a ball of electricity or light going up near me, the ball of light is about the size of a baseball. Others are already reaching the light and I see them as streaks of electricity being drawn into the light. I think, in my dream, "I sure hope this isn't a dream, that would really suck."

Well, it was (a dream) and I went from that dream to another one where hubby & I are at someone's house in their kitchen. The wife, a farmer-type gal, seemingly pure as the driven snow (in my view) is sitting on one side of their table and her hubby, two kids, my hubby & I are on the other side of the table. My hubby was helping her hubby with some sort of grinding where my hubby was trying to alter a wire grinding tool. This was something I saw them working on a couple of times in the dream: before the scene of the wife and us at the kitchen table, and then afterwards.

Anyway, the hubby and wife aren't really talking, there's clearly a separation in spirit between them. We ask why she's so quiet and the hubby says, "She committed adultery." I looked back towards where she was sitting, and in shock, I ask, "Are you serious?" Wondering what that was all about, I'm looking back at where she sat but she had moved. She is now slumped down against a corner wall with her knees up and her elbows on her knees with her hands over her face, sobbing, and when I asked her (who seemed to me that there'd be NO WAY she'd of done such a thing) if that was true ... she softly replied, "Yes!" I was the only one that heard her say yes. I went over to her and took her by the hand and told her we should go and talk. She brought me to a room in their house, just her and I, and told me all about her "sin of adultery".

I was about to tell her that Jesus still loves her and all she needs to do is repent and ask Him to forgive her and that it was her remorse that was keeping her from being the wife/mother the Lord would have her be; and that He is willing to forgive her if she'd just release it to Him. Anyway, I didn't get a chance to tell her all of that because our dog barked (around 4PM, for real LOL) and I woke up. I also noticed in the dream that she apparently only had one real friend, for whom, even to him, she couldn't tell her deepest regrets; he was her karate teacher, but he was not the one she'd committed adultery with. I don't recall hearing who that would have been. As I was waking up tho I did see her and her hubby holding hands so I take it that they would eventually reconcile in spirit. She just needed someone she could let all her guilt out to that wouldn't judge her, or so I felt.

I get from this that, there are many that belong to the Lord that have been sinning and not giving their sins to Him for forgiveness. They feel the guilt of those sins weighing heavily on them but don't surrender that guilt and don't ask Him for healing. Her husband and kids wanted to be reunited (in spirit) but she couldn't forgive herself and that was hindering her from reconnecting with them as she should. Maybe she was representing "the foolish virgins" of Mat 25:1-13.

Recently, I have been watching (on YouTube) others' dreams of the rapture, make of that what you will. Their dreams, and mine, agree that the RAPTURE (catching away of the ready virgins) seems to happen at night -or- during a darkened sky. Perhaps the light, initially showing like a full moon but not being the moon, may allude to Aug 7th, which is Tu B'Av (15th of Av) -IF- this year (2017) -OR- some other Jewish holiday that will occur on the eve of a full moon. But then, the fact that the sky was a nighttime dark, could mean it will happen on a new moon evening. Time will tell if it's this year or some other. I was not given any specific date so I don't know when it will be, nor am I about to *date set*.

I report, you decide ;o}

Last year I wrote about Tu B'Av and the potential significance it has for the church (ready virgins). {PLEASE NOTE - THIS YEAR'S DATE FOR Tu B'Av IS: Aug 6-7 (sunset to sunset), rather than what the article dates were for last year.} You can read those here ...


Maranatha Ishi {Husband}, I'm ready to go!!!


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