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"Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready." -Rev 19:7 KJV ... "And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife." -Rev 21:9 KJV

04/28/18 ~ Can we prove Jesus' birth year?

Yes! I do think there is good evidence that we CAN prove Jesus' birth year! I believe the king planet/wandering star that we should be watching is Jupiter as a major indicator of "signs in the heavens". Read on ... 

Jerusalem sky the eve of Sep 11, -3BC

Sep 11, -3BC {crescent moon}
You should be able to click the pix above to see them at full size.

According to my research in Stellarium, Jesus' birth would have been on Sep 11, -3BC; add those three years to 27AD and he would have been "about thirty years old" {Luke 3:21-38 KJV} when He started His ministry, which I believe was also in either the summer or the fall months; 3-1/2 years later He would have been about 33-1/2, which would have been around April 1st, 30AD, the year of His death/resurrection; and exactly 40 years later the 2nd Temple was destroyed in 70AD. From the year of His birth in -3BC to 2018 is 2021 years. From the year of His death/resurrection in 30AD to 2018 is 1988 years.

Notice in Psalm 22, speaking of the rejection of Jesus as Messiah, followed by His agonizing crucifixion & death ... the "seed" is Jesus and "him" is God, and though Jesus earthly life was "cut off" {Daniel 9:26 KJV}
in 30AD, God gave Israel another 40 years to repent. Add the year 30AD and 40 years you come to the destruction of the 2nd Temple and the disbursement of Israel in 70AD: "A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation." {Psalm 22:30 KJV}

Notice in Isaiah 23, "seventy years" ... "according to the days of one king", Jesus IS that King: "And it shall come to pass in that day, that Tyre shall be forgotten seventy years, according to the days of one king: after the end of seventy years shall Tyre sing as an harlot." {Isaiah 23:15 KJV} ~ It is my belief that Tyre is a cloaked reference to Jerusalem, and that this is a dual fulfillment prophecy whereby the end -in our modern time- will be the second fulfillment of that seventy years ending on May 14, 2018. I've written an article about Jerusalem being "that great city" spoken of in Revelation 14, Revelation 17, and Revelation 18; you can read it here https://thelambswife.blogspot.com/2016/12/120516-where-is-that-great-city.html

This also aligns with my article of My Revised Chronology, I don't think we can tinker with the years any differently and still come out with the same results. You can read it here https://thelambswife.blogspot.com/2018/02/022018-my-revised-biblical-chronology.html

BTW, 1988 years (30AD to 2018AD) is divisible by 7 coming out to 284 years per each of the 7 periods. I don't know what the significance of that is ... except, perhaps ... it's some sort of veiled reference to "seven times" of 284-day gestation periods. If not, then I don't know what (if anything) that could mean.

There is a *discrepancy* with Stellarium regarding the fact that there is no "year zero", therefore the year counted as zero would have actually been year -1BC, and -1BC in Stellarium should actually show as -2 BC, and therefore -2BC in Stellarium should actually be -3BC. So although Stellarium shows -2BC, Sep 11, it was actually -3BC. That is the year that the King Planet (wandering star ~ Jupiter) came into alignment with the King Star (Regulus) in the King Constellation (Leo, the Lion).
Stellarium is aware of the discrepancy and say they are using "astronomical units" (AU) not BC/AD, you can read more on their FAQ page here https://github.com/Stellarium/stellarium/wiki/FAQ#There_is_no_year_0_or_BC_dates_are_a_year_out

Meanwhile, Virgo, "the woman" is "clothed with the sun" (hanging off her arm as it were) and the moon is "at her feet". The two joining stars as we can see are the planet Jupiter (the word "planet" means wandering star) and Leo's brightest star, Regulus, which, in conjunction with each other, made one gigantic star shining brightly in the near moonless night sky; this conjunction is what was over the little town of Bethlehem that the wisemen saw, telling them that THE prophesied King had been born {Micah 5:2 KJV, Matthew 2:1-12 KJV}. That King was, and is, and is to come, Jesus/Yeshua, the One and Only Son of God.

We don't know for sure whether or not the crescent moon was visible on the night of Jesus' birth but my honest opinion is that it was seen, and if it was seen by two witnesses then that would have begun the seventh month of Tishri; in other words, Sep 11, -3BC, would have been Tishri 1 (-3BC).

I believe that our current Gregorian calendar (based off of the Julian calendar before it) begins when Jesus was a toddler and the wisemen came bearing gifts (1AD), it doesn't start from his birth (-3BC) because those that set His birth date from the Julian calendar didn't know for sure when He was born ... therefore they likely guesstimated. I would think that Herod had some sort of record as to when the wisemen came since he intercepted them while attempting to find the Child {Jesus} Who by then was probably 3 years old. So, remember, Stellarium will show the year as -2BC but that is incorrect (it's short by 1 full year) as I've already pointed out.

You can d/l and use #Stellarium for free here ... http://stellarium.org/ ... current version as of this writing is 0.18.0 ... there is also a beta version for the more adventuresome stargazers. And please NOTE: Astronomy (the study of the stars) is NOT the same as astrology (attempting to tell a person's future using the stars). Astronomy is good, it's biblical, it's how the wisemen knew when the King of kings {Jesus/Yeshua} would be born ;o}

OK so, yes I could be wrong by up to 3 years but this is what my research has brought me to. In short ... keep looking up, our redemption draws nigh (near)!

04/20/18 ~ Dying in your sleep ...

Source: Google Images

And now for some stark reality, a reality check!

I had what I can only describe as an "experience". It wasn't a dream nor a vision ... it was an experience. I felt the pain.

I went to bed and before I went to sleep I was thinking how nice it must be to just drift off and die in your sleep. My thinking was that you probably just *wake up* in the spirit, then sit up, and then stand up out of your body. And then ...

The next thing I knew, not too long later while my body slept, I felt a pressure, extreme pressure that seemed to begin in my spirit and extend out to my physical body. I felt the pain of this pressure. It was a suffocating pain. I couldn't see anything but I knew a demon was squeezing me ... trying to squeeze the life out of me ... it was trying to kill me! I kid you not. This was NO dream nor vision, it was really happening.

My only form of defense was Jesus and Him alone. I rebuked this evil spirit in Jesus' name. I told it to get off of me, leave me alone, go away ... all in Jesus' name. I seemed to be rebuking it for some 15 minutes when it finally left me. I came to myself (I can't say I awoke because this was not a dream) and I was angry that it would try to kill me while I was asleep, at my least able to defend myself. I then went back to sleep. When I awoke again a couple hours later, I asked the Lord why He allowed that to happen ... He brought back to my memory of how I thought it was probably the best way to die. Then I understood.

Dying in your sleep for most people is NOT a peaceful experience, as a matter of fact, most that die in their sleep that don't know the Lord ... this is how & why their death occurs. It's anything BUT peaceful. I'm sorry if you have loved ones that died in their sleep but I can assure you though their body seemed at peace, their spirits were in the fight of their lives, and they lost. If you don't belong to Jesus, this is the worst way to die because it happens when you have the least defense and you have NO Protector. People that die this kind of death outside of the protection of Jesus are not only killed that way but they're dragged straight into hell.

I thank the Lord for clarifying this *way of death*, I now know it's NO blessing. Beware, especially if you aren't the Lord's. If you are the Lord's, rebuke it until it leaves you. It may be that even the unsaved can at that moment ask Jesus to come and help them and submit themselves to Him, even then it's possible that He will come and save them. But if Jesus isn't your defense, you have NO defense. There's POWER IN THE NAME OF JESUS! He IS our only defense.

The fight for eternal life will continue right up until you draw your last breath. Be sure Jesus is on your heart and lips until you see Him, face to Face. I don't post this to scare or depress anyone, but to warn. Go to sleep, perchance to dream, but remember Jesus ... don't forget to repent often and THANK HIM for your many blessings!

Now this childhood prayer has much more meaning to me, as an adult!

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
If I should die before I 'wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.
-Author Unknown


04/12/18 ~ Our Angels took the puppy to Heaven

Many years ago, in the late 90s, I put this testimony online on my angelfire page ... it's still there today (link below). I want to put it on my blog today, as a witness and a testimony that God has been very real and active in my life even from a very early age. This is just one encounter, as I remember it ...

Our Angels
took the puppy
to Heaven

Many years ago when my sister and I were very young (about 6 and 9, she being the elder) we had a tragic occurrence... 

[I tell of how the puppy came to our house mostly from my sister's account]

    My sister babysat a puppy (it was about 8 weeks old) for a friend one weekend. I remember his name was "Cocoa" and like all puppies he was very cute and lively! Anyway, I don't know the time of day in which the tragedy occurred, I was simply too young to be aware of such things. To make a long story short (and not entering into how the pup was injured as it is to this day a sore spot for my sister and I, who, by the way, were NOT the source of his fatal injury) --- the puppy had met with a wall in a rather abrupt manner which in effect cracked his skull. At the time, adults in our life, who'd had too much to drink, were responsible for the injury and I remember the puppy howling in pain and whirling around in a circle in one area of the floor, reeling in agony. My sister recalls that the pup then went to her seeking refuge up the sleeve of her housecoat, to no avail.

    After a few minutes the adults realized that the pup wasn't OK, his skull was fractured and he wouldn't recover from the trauma (it was an awful, careless accident that was caused by too much alcohol consumption). They decided to finish the job to put him out of his misery. Well, it wasn't enough to have wounded him ... they killed him by breaking his neck and this sent my sister and I into fits of grief! Remember, my sister was the puppy's babysitter, she was responsible for his welfare. How would she explain this to her friend??? We must have cried for hours! We were so distraught, my sister was also enraged. What would happen to Cocoa now?

    We refused to go to bed until we were sure he was all right. I remember the adults put him in the garbage and we just freaked! He would get cold! It was hard in there! We insisted on making him a bed with sheet and pillow so he would be comfortable and warm in there (garbage can). We fixed his bed and laid him in it making sure to place his limp head on the pillow and laying his body on the sheet and then covering him and tucking him in, with pats and lots of tears. We then said a prayer and asked GOD to take care of Cocoa. We were careful not to put the lid on too tight because we wanted to make sure he could breath (or something?). We wanted to keep vigil over him but I soon cried myself to sleep, while my sister spent the night sitting at the end of the bed, angry and grieved. Remember, we are only 6 and 9.

[The account of the next happening is mostly mine but my sister pretty much remembers the same thing and therefore we cannot deny the existence of GOD or angels to this day as GOD has given us both the ability to remember them.

    I remember waking up (my sister says it was dawn as she'd been up all night). I know I woke up because the underpart of my eyes felt crusty from having cried myself to sleep. There was a window near our bed that we could look out of and for some reason my sister and I both looked out the window. What we saw next has been forever sealed in our memories!

    We saw two angels rising up high in the sky, one slightly above the other. And guess what ... they had Cocoa! They had him on a leash of all the odd things to see. In regards to the angels themselves, I remember that they were larger than a man but with manly features. They had huge wings that arched up and over their shoulders spanning all the way down to their feet. They weren't using their wings. Looking at them from the front their wings didn't protrude out past their shoulders and were really only visible above the shoulders and again down past their arms towards their feet. They were very masculine, muscular, but had an air of gentleness and compassion about them. I remember their white robes with golden sashes around their wastes. They were floating up into the heavens, with Cocoa in tow. They were beautiful!

    How could I remember such detail at so great a distance? I don't remember actually meeting them so how could I know with such clarity what they looked like? I think they came to us first, before the grand finale in which they took Cocoa to heaven, to GOD!

    What do I think of the whole thing now? I believe that we saw angels, they are as real as you or I, maybe more so! I believe they came to save us from the emotional damage this event would surely have caused had they not have been sent to intervene. Does GOD send his angels to 'pick up' dead animals? We know what we saw as children, HE certainly eased our worries! Glory and Praise be to GOD!!! My sister and I thank HIM for letting us see HIS magnificent works, the angels!

    I tell this story as a testament to GOD and his creations, us included! If we all have the ability to see things spiritual since childhood, most forgetting that ability as they get older, it is quite possible that you have a story to tell too! Feel free to send me your inspirational story, I'd love to hear from you. GOD bless!

Originally uploaded to ... http://www.angelfire.com/nm/debshome/ourAngels.html

Thanks for reading ;o}

04/05/18 ~ Revelation ... which seal are we at?

Source: Google Images

I wrote the following as a NOTE on my Facebook page on April 5, 2018. Tonight, after not even two hours sleep, I awoke to words in my mind, they were: "There are two seals left (unopened)". I guess it's about time I put that NOTE on my blog. I report, you decide ...

I believe we are already IN the fifth seal, and that the Lord is about to break the sixth seal and -after- the multitudes are taken into heaven {Revelation 7:9 KJV} He will break the seventh seal ... this is the beginning of the wrath of the Lamb (not the wrath of God, that comes at the end of the seven trumpets). Did you know that the “Lamb that was slain” began to open the seals when He entered heaven? That would be 1,988 years ago (2018 AD minus 30 AD)! NO ONE anywhere could do so until the Lion of Judah arrived in heaven. You may want to read the first five seals and ask yourselves if any of that is (or has been) happening and in fact increasing in frequency and intensity, like labor pains. Remember: a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day ... in heaven it’s only been about two days.

I can account for all things as already happened &/or have been happening right up until the multitude seen in heaven ... this could only be the rapture of the saints ... this happens just before the wrath of the Lamb (seven trumpets), which occurs prior to the wrath of God (seven vials/bowls). Christians are promised they won’t have to endure God’s wrath, Jesus is God come in the flesh to save those that are willing to come to Him. 

I believe the souls under the alter {Revelation 6:9 KJV} are the dead in Christ and they are waiting for the last of their brethren, during the “times of the Gentiles”, to be killed. Notice it says they are "souls", not yet resurrected to their new bodies. 

But following that when there are multitudes from all over the earth {Revelation 7:9 KJV} they are all standing before the throne, these are the church in their resurrected bodies. I believe the earthquake spoken of just prior to the multitudes seen in heaven is the ground shaking event of the dead in Christ resurrecting and being raptured, then we who are alive and remain will likewise be resurrected (receive our new bodies) and raptured (caught up) to meet the Lord in the air and forever be with Him. 

There is a huge difference between the Lord *appearing* in the air to receive His ready bride, and His second coming to rule & reign WITH His saints. These two are not the same event. I am totally in the “pre-trib” camp as far as the ready church goes. There is more than one rapture/resurrection, which equates to Israel’s three main feasts & harvest cycles, and this is why folks are confused as to when the rapture will occur, because there is more than one. I’ve written about this on my blog, you can do a search there (top left) for keywords of interest http://thelambswife.blogspot.com/

Did you know that the LAST of the seven churches standing made it to about 1935-ish ... I believe it was the church at Smyrna but don’t quote me, I read about it a few years ago ... NONE of them exist today from where/when they were planted 2000 years ago. Most of the towns they were in are rubble, ruins, tourist attractions at best. Beware church, we are further into the book of Revelation than most understand. 

I believe the 144,000 Israelis (from all over the world, not just Israel) are being sealed NOW {Revelation 7:1-8 KJV}. They've heard the gospel but perhaps aren't convinced yet ... it may well be that when they see the church gone they will realize who they are and what their purpose is, or perhaps they already know. 

If anyone tells you that the book of Revelation is not in sequential order, they are WRONG. The seventh seal leads to the seven trumpets; the seventh trumpet leads to the seven vials/bowls; and between the the trumpets and the vials/bowls we are told of three woes that group some of the trumpets and some of the vials/bowls. The book of Revelation IS in consecutive order! If the seventh seal isn’t broken then the trumpets and the vials/bowls won’t happen. If the seventh trumpet doesn’t sound then the vials/bowls won’t happen. One set of seven leads directly to the next set. 

The trumpets of Revelation are NOT -the trumpet- we’ll be hearing for the rapture/resurrection ... that trumpet is blown by an angel but it is accompanied by the voice of God (which also sounds like a trumpet) ... that’s what you should be listening for. We will *hear* the same trumpeting sound that Israel heard at the base of Mount Sinai. We will hear the voice of God!

You have to ask yourselves: In the past 1,988 years since Jesus’ death ...
  • Was the “Lamb that was slain” seen in heaven?
  • Are the *literal* seven churches of Asia still in existence?
  • Have there been Christian martyrs {souls slain} during the “times of the Gentiles”?
  • Has there been wars, rumors of wars, famines, pestilences, death (four horsemen judgments)?
  • Have there been other *birth pangs* such as earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, volcanoes, etc?
As I said, I can account for ALL of the above to date. But I cannot yet account for the multitudes seen in heaven worshiping before the throne of God; that will be us saints, and the time is sooner than most believe! I expect that Jacob’s trouble (Israel’s trouble) will start when the church saints {ready virgins of Matthew 25:1-13 KJV} are taken out of this world just prior to the wrath of the Lamb (seven trumpets) thereby leaving Israel with no more friends to lean upon. 

That will be when the seven year tribulation period begins and Israel will be in the fight of her life. When she is near total destruction and finally calls on her true Messiah, Jesus/Yeshua, He will come and save her. And then comes His second coming whereby He begins His millennial reign, with His saints, for 1,000 years, from Jerusalem, Israel. 

Whether you believe this or not, please, come to Jesus now, while there's still time. Church, keep looking up, our redemption draws nigh (near). Could I be wrong? Yes. Do I want to argue about it? NO. LOL I'm just telling you where my studies have led me. Be ready and watching or be “left behind”.

Maranatha Ishi! 

"And it shall be at that day, saith the LORD, [that] thou shalt call me Ishi {Husband}; and shalt call me no more Baali {Lord}." {Hosea 2:16 KJV, curly bracket comments within scripture are mine.}

{Curly bracket comments within scripture are mine. First posted to my FB page and herein added with corrections & a few slight alterations. This article *should be* Firefox Reader View friendly -IF- that feature becomes available on blogs.IF the text doesn't *look right* in FF Reader View it's them not me, it looks fine before Publication and in Preview.}