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I wrote the following as a NOTE on my Facebook page on April 5, 2018. Tonight, after not even two hours sleep, I awoke to words in my mind, they were: "There are two seals left (unopened)". I guess it's about time I put that NOTE on my blog. I report, you decide ...
I believe we are already IN the fifth seal, and that the Lord is about to break the sixth seal and -after- the multitudes are taken into heaven {Revelation 7:9 KJV} He will break the seventh seal ... this is the beginning of the wrath of the Lamb (not the wrath of God, that comes at the end of the seven trumpets). Did you know that the “Lamb that was slain” began to open the seals when He entered heaven? That would be 1,988 years ago (2018 AD minus 30 AD)! NO ONE anywhere could do so until the Lion of Judah arrived in heaven. You may want to read the first five seals and ask yourselves if any of that is (or has been) happening and in fact increasing in frequency and intensity, like labor pains. Remember: a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day ... in heaven it’s only been about two days.
I can account for all things as already happened &/or have been happening right up until the multitude seen in heaven ... this could only be the rapture of the saints ... this happens just before the wrath of the Lamb (seven trumpets), which occurs prior to the wrath of God (seven vials/bowls). Christians are promised they won’t have to endure God’s wrath, Jesus is God come in the flesh to save those that are willing to come to Him.
I believe the souls under the alter {Revelation 6:9 KJV} are the dead in Christ and they are waiting for the last of their brethren, during the “times of the Gentiles”, to be killed. Notice it says they are "souls", not yet resurrected to their new bodies.
But following that when there are multitudes from all over the earth {Revelation 7:9 KJV} they are all standing before the throne, these are the church in their resurrected bodies. I believe the earthquake spoken of just prior to the multitudes seen in heaven is the ground shaking event of the dead in Christ resurrecting and being raptured, then we who are alive and remain will likewise be resurrected (receive our new bodies) and raptured (caught up) to meet the Lord in the air and forever be with Him.
There is a huge difference between the Lord *appearing* in the air to receive His ready bride, and His second coming to rule & reign WITH His saints. These two are not the same event. I am totally in the “pre-trib” camp as far as the ready church goes. There is more than one rapture/resurrection, which equates to Israel’s three main feasts & harvest cycles, and this is why folks are confused as to when the rapture will occur, because there is more than one. I’ve written about this on my blog, you can do a search there (top left) for keywords of interest http://thelambswife.blogspot.com/
Did you know that the LAST of the seven churches standing made it to about 1935-ish ... I believe it was the church at Smyrna but don’t quote me, I read about it a few years ago ... NONE of them exist today from where/when they were planted 2000 years ago. Most of the towns they were in are rubble, ruins, tourist attractions at best. Beware church, we are further into the book of Revelation than most understand.
I believe the 144,000 Israelis (from all over the world, not just Israel) are being sealed NOW {Revelation 7:1-8 KJV}. They've heard the gospel but perhaps aren't convinced yet ... it may well be that when they see the church gone they will realize who they are and what their purpose is, or perhaps they already know.
If anyone tells you that the book of Revelation is not in sequential order, they are WRONG. The seventh seal leads to the seven trumpets; the seventh trumpet leads to the seven vials/bowls; and between the the trumpets and the vials/bowls we are told of three woes that group some of the trumpets and some of the vials/bowls. The book of Revelation IS in consecutive order! If the seventh seal isn’t broken then the trumpets and the vials/bowls won’t happen. If the seventh trumpet doesn’t sound then the vials/bowls won’t happen. One set of seven leads directly to the next set.
The trumpets of Revelation are NOT -the trumpet- we’ll be hearing for the rapture/resurrection ... that trumpet is blown by an angel but it is accompanied by the voice of God (which also sounds like a trumpet) ... that’s what you should be listening for. We will *hear* the same trumpeting sound that Israel heard at the base of Mount Sinai. We will hear the voice of God!
You have to ask yourselves: In the past 1,988 years since Jesus’ death ...
- Was the “Lamb that was slain” seen in heaven?
- Are the *literal* seven churches of Asia still in existence?
- Have there been Christian martyrs {souls slain} during the “times of the Gentiles”?
- Has there been wars, rumors of wars, famines, pestilences, death (four horsemen judgments)?
- Have there been other *birth pangs* such as earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, volcanoes, etc?
As I said, I can account for ALL of the above to date. But I cannot yet account for the multitudes seen in heaven worshiping before the throne of God; that will be us saints, and the time is sooner than most believe! I expect that Jacob’s trouble (Israel’s trouble) will start when the church saints {ready virgins of Matthew 25:1-13 KJV} are taken out of this world just prior to the wrath of the Lamb (seven trumpets) thereby leaving Israel with no more friends to lean upon.
That will be when the seven year tribulation period begins and Israel will be in the fight of her life. When she is near total destruction and finally calls on her true Messiah, Jesus/Yeshua, He will come and save her. And then comes His second coming whereby He begins His millennial reign, with His saints, for 1,000 years, from Jerusalem, Israel.
Whether you believe this or not, please, come to Jesus now, while there's still time. Church, keep looking up, our redemption draws nigh (near). Could I be wrong? Yes. Do I want to argue about it? NO. LOL I'm just telling you where my studies have led me. Be ready and watching or be “left behind”.
Maranatha Ishi!
"And it shall be at that day, saith the LORD, [that] thou shalt call me Ishi {Husband}; and shalt call me no more Baali {Lord}." {Hosea 2:16 KJV, curly bracket comments within scripture are mine.}
{Curly bracket comments within scripture are mine. First posted to my FB page and herein added with corrections & a few slight alterations. This article *should be* Firefox Reader View friendly -IF- that feature becomes available on blogs.IF the text doesn't *look right* in FF Reader View it's them not me, it looks fine before Publication and in Preview.}